Colobreathe branding, advertising campaign and iPad detail aid app
Visual concept for the pitch including branding and adverts, Visual Design,
UX and UI design for iPad app
Sudler & Hennessy
IPA Best of Health Awards Digital Media 2013
The Global Awards 2012
PM Society Awards 2012
Brief I was commissioned to create visual language and branding pitch for Colobreathe. Colobreathe is an inhaler for the treatment of chronic pulmonary infections in patients with cystic fibrosis aged 6 years and older. Unfortunately the lifespan of these patients is extremely short and the treatments are hefty and require them to regularly visit the hospital. Colobreathe inhaler is very easy to use and can be taken in any environment whether an office or a playground. It allows the patients to live a free and fulfilling life.
The brand propositions were freedom, happiness movement and lightness.
Solution I came up with the idea of using the toy windmill as part of logo and branding. Windmill was the best symbol as it conveys the idea of air, lightness, playfulness and freedom. The idea was very well received by the clinet and was commissioned to be developed soon after the pitch. That was when I started developing the iPad detail aid app for doctors and professional practitioners. I was responsible for concept, UX and UI design of the iPad. In 2012 and 2013 the iPad app and branding awarded nationally and internationally.